Our Fall 2024 schedule

Christmas Concert x 2 with Southampton Concert Band
Sunday December 8th 3:00 PM
Monday December 9th – 7:00 PM
at Port Elgin United Church
Advance Tickets $20 at Blackboard Sound
or Choir Members
At the Door – $25 16 and under Free
Lessons and Carols Service
Sunday December 15th 7:30 PM
at Southampton United Church
About Chantry Singers
Chantry Singers is a 60 voice community choir based in Saugeen Shores. It was founded in 1974 as the Centennial Singers to perform in the centennial celebrations for the Town of Port Elgin. It has continued to rehearse and perform for over forty-five years. The choir presents a wide variety of choral music including sacred, folk, popular and classical traditions.
Part of the choir’s mission is to foster the development and enjoyment of choral music in Bruce and Grey counties. We support individuals and musical organizations with donations for anything from tuition to musical instruments. The choir has organized and hosted a number of choral music development workshops for area choirs. Our members enjoy a variety of opportunities to experience music by joining with other groups locally in Saugeen Shores, across Ontario, and beyond.
The choir has performed across the province and internationally. It is one of four choirs that represented Ontario in Ottawa at the Unisong concerts on Canada Day 2017. It was a particularly great honour as we celebrate 150 years of Canada.
The choir appeared at Unisong in 2008 as well and in England in 2015. A sizeable group of Chantry Singers members joined with choirs from London ON for a performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria at Carnegie Hall, New York on June 2nd 2018. A planned tour of Scotland in 2020 had to be cancelled at the last minute as a result of the COVID pandemic.